20/01/2020 by Prince Osei Akowuah 0 Comments
To the abled-bodied person, a journey across the length and breadth of Ghana is as
difficult as one can imagine in any environment where rural roads are inaccessible
and transports are not regular.
However, Elvis Kwesi Alipui, one of REACT’s local Coordinators defies all challenges to travel into remote communities to identify potential
beneficiaries, follow up to monitor and evaluate the impact of REACT’s support to all our beneficiaries. From such trips Elvis presents us with
data which enables to us to meet the specific needs of all our beneficiaries. REACT met Elvis in 2017 and through his selfless commitment we
have been able to reach to out to more children who we would have otherwise not been able to.
He travels to areas using public transport locally called “Trotro” in his wheelchair to supervise projects REACT undertakes. These trips often
cost him twice as much because first, Elvis has to pay for his seat and also a space for his wheelchair. Besides, such transports arse not easily
accessible by disabled people and Elvis even after paying the odds has to endure the discomfort of such long journeys as a disabled person just
to honour his social contract with his fellow disabled children.
In spite of his challenges Elvis is determined and learnt how to ride motor bike but has been unable to afford a bike. Nonetheless, there is
an opportunity to help make Elvis’s work much easier. He has found a bike (picture above) in Ghana which is selling for three thousand five
hundred Ghanaian Cedis (£500) and would like help to buy it. REACT would is helping but cannot fully due to limited resources and would
like your support. The seller has agreed to reserve it for two months provided we can raise the amount. We therefore request your kindest support
as always to facilitate Elvis’s altruistic work of making education accessible to disabled children in the most vulnerable communities in Ghana.
Please watch Elvis’s personal plea in the video below.
Please donate by clicking on the link to our secured donation link . § https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/donate?cid=223689...
Thank you for your continued support.
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